Where Does The Money Go?
Brick By Brick is sharing with you how donations are being spent to build St. Dymphna. Below is a more recent update from Mary, the director and head teacher at St. Dymphna Special Needs School. You will see a breakdown of what supplies are being purchased with the money, costs for delivering those supplies, as well as labor costs to build the school. In addition, are new photos displaying the progress of the school. We are proud to share that the walls for the initial portion of the school are nearly completed and they will soon begin the ceiling and second level of the school. It is because of your gracious donations that we are one step closer to the completion of the school.
Building Material/Labor Costs
cement 100@13,500 = 1,350,000
steel Bars 16mm20pcs @23,000 = 460,000
Steel Bars 8mm30pcs@8,000 = 260,000
Binding wire 50kgs @2,000 = 100,000
Timbers 6*1 rm480 @1,208 = 580,000
Transport for materials = 130,000
Labour charge = 600,000
concrete bricks 500@1,200 = 650,000
Red bricks 4,040 @250 = 1,010,000
Bricks trans.3 trips@20,000 = 60,000
cement bags 50@1,200 = 675,000
Sand 1 lorry@80,000 = 80,000
labour charge = 1,000,000
concrete bricks 200 @1,200 = 250,000
sand 1 lorry@80,000 = 80,000
dpc(plastic for foundation = 45,000
Nails 10 kgs @1,800 = 18,000
stones 1 lorry @70,000 = 70,000
GRAND TOTAL IS 7,398,000/= Tz shs
= Approx. $6,725 US Dollars